BID levy payments

Chris Turner, the chief executive of British BIDs, has written to a number of national businesses in response to recent correspondence to reduce BID levy payments.

We welcome his letter which explains why this is not possible and endorse his comments which you can read in full below.

The whole point of Business Improvement Districts is that we work together, as a collective, for the benefit of all businesses within the BID area.  .

BID levy bills in Plymouth City Centre were due in April but, due to COVID, we have not yet issued any official reminders. We thank those businesses that paid promptly which has helped our cashflow and enabled us to carry on providing vital services.

With partners, we are about to launch a big Welcome Back marketing campaign to take us up to Christmas. We believe this will be a huge help for each and every one of you and worth your BID levy on its own. But, of course, we do much more than that as most of you know.

If you are now in a position to pay your BID levy, please do so. Details of how to pay are on your bill. If you need us to send your bill again please let us know by emailing

British BIDs letter: