Western Approach bridge approaching demolition date

Plans to demolish the dated Western Approach footbridge are moving a step closer.

Work is expected to start in the next few weeks and the whole scheme is due to last nine weeks, from contractors getting the site ready to resurfacing at the end. The main span of the bridge will be removed over a Saturday evening to Monday evening. There will be a road closure and diversions in place.

Steve Hughes, chief executive of the Plymouth City Centre Company, said:

“This will open up Frankfort Gate and create a much better gateway into the West End of Plymouth and up to Plymouth Market. It ties in nicely with work we have been doing to transform Frankfort Gate into a more contemporary public space with plenty of room for events or just somewhere for families to enjoy our growing café culture.

“It should help us to attract more visitors and will be a big boost for our businesses.”

The demolition is part of Plymouth City Council’s long term plan to regenerate Colin Campbell Court and to link the city centre to the sea.

The bridge will be dismantled in a similar fashion to the Union Street bridge which was taken down in 2018.

The short bridge from the car park will be removed first; both the car park and the city centre end of King Street will be closed temporarily. Once the main span is removed, the lift shafts will be dismantled before the paving reinstated.

A new crossing is also being planned for the north bound lane and will be laid diagonally following more closely the walking routes of locals going from Frankfort Gate to King Street.