Sign up to Fiver Fest to boost your independent business

Fiver Fest will be back in October with another chance for independent businesses to provide a very simple offer and attract new customers.

It’s a great opportunity to celebrate the importance of small businesses and shops and raise your profile.

All you need to do to join in is come up with your own £5 offer and tell us about it.

Download your self-print posters

With the help of Totally Locally, the organisation behind the campaign, we will do the rest including marketing and printing of a limited number of posters for you to display in your shop window or on your market stall.

The £5 message makes it easier for people to shop locally. It’s not much money, so they do it and start to think more about where they go to do their shopping or grab a bite to eat.

This is not about just selling £5 things. It’s an opportunity for you to get people through the door who haven’t ever set foot in your shop, or who haven’t been for ages. What you do when they get there is up to you.

Offers should be something that comes to a total of £5 (don’t use discounts like £5 off or 5% off) discounted from a usual price of at least £7 to £8.

For ideas or more inspiration on how to get creative click here

Fiver Fest runs from October 10 to October 24 and is for independents only. If you would like to take part, please contact with details of your offer.