With just a few days left of the consultation on the new plans for Armada Way, we would urge all city centre business owners, managers and landlords to support the scheme.

The City Centre Company believes the plans are vital for the future of the city centre and your businesses.

We know many of you have been calling for an improvement to the city centre’s public spaces for years and that you have been frustrated by recent delays.

Now, is the time to make sure your voices are heard,

Everything you need to know and the survey, which only takes about five minutes to complete, can be found here:

Read our chief executive’s blog here:

Whatever you think of the issue of the trees, the bottom line is that Armada Way was a mess and a no-go area for many after dark. With the changing nature of the high street, and Armada Way lined by run-down privately-owned buildings (so not the council’s fault), the only solution was to do something radical and ambitious. The first scheme looked good to me but this one is even better. It includes the planting of more than 200 trees in the right places and lots of planting. It opens up the space for leisure, relaxation, culture and the arts and events. It has plenty of shade, water features, seating, contemporary new lighting and quiet spaces. Does anyone really believe that what was there before was better? The businesses certainly don’t. And I don’t get the argument on here that the city centre is run-down anyway so let’s just leave it as it is. Most importantly, this scheme opens up the potential for further investment and new uses for empty buildings or eyesore sites. Talks are already taking place. Housing, leisure, hotels, cafes and bars and maybe some retail. It could be truly amazing and I urge the people of Plymouth to support it here Other city centres are adapting to change. We need to do the same.

Steve Hughes